Aug 26, 2023Liked by Ollie

Love this feed Ollie. We brief so much from it. Please keep up the effort. It's worth it.

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banks could kill this problem overnight by implementing additional verification steps for cardholders. For example, banks could require cardholders to enter their PIN code for all transactions, regardless of the amount. This would make it much more difficult for skimmers to steal card data.

The UK has largely implemented this type of verification already, and it has been very effective in reducing skimmer attacks. In fact, the number of skimmer attacks in the UK has fallen by over 90% since the additional verification steps were implemented.

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Understood =) You mean you didn't expect your life's work and ambitions to == Great Weekly Substack Author? But seriously, cheers for the great effort on this Stack and well done on the new role!

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Oh come on: https://therecord.media/uk-cyber-agency-ollie-whitehouse Sheesh. Now no more weekly? LOL. Congrats Ollie. That's outstanding man!

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We are seeing how we can keep it going post October 23rd..

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